Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Conversation w/an average white American racial terrorist who thinks he's a good & decent human being & that "we" (whites & people of color) should all be fighting against our "true enemy" who is just like you...

The dialog takes place with TeddysDoc. He, presumably, is the doctor for racist US military regime terrorist Teddy Rushing. From an average family of generational race criminals, Teddy, who to the rejoice of many was killed by roadside bomb defending America's false flag military operations against the Middle East, is the son of racist Orlando police regime terrorist Rick Rushing. The exchanges take place on justice advocate Creaux Steele's Shittycop blog - also part uf the UnderprivilegedMediaNetwork - on an article titled, Racist US Military Regime Terroist Teddy Rushing EATS HOLY Improvised In Explosive Device In Sacred Kandahar Province! Blacks Against White America Praise Warmongering Racial Terrorist's "Veteran's Day" Death, Condemn (Dad) Racist Orlando Police Regime Terrorist Rick Rushing's "Hero" Characterization

Teddy'sDoc said...
Just for curiosity sake... did you know either of the men that you are referring to as "racist terrorists"? Or are you just looking for your 15 minutes of fame by slagging on others that had the ability and courage to actually stand up for what they believe? Whether what they believe is right or wrong by anyone else's definition is not the point. The point is that both Rick and Teddy Rushing went out and actually DID something to back up all their rhetoric and talk... what have YOU done to make America any better other than just spout off your big mouth on your little blog?
Khael Dahmein said...
When the history of your kind is coupled with your kind's contemporary behavior, only 1 conclusion can be drawn: you are a race of conscienceless, warmongering, psychotic racial terrorists who are bent on continuing to rule the world by oppression and domination and who are given over to your own reprobate minds so you are incapable of change..

Is calling you hypocrites the devils the prophecies foretold that you would be seeking 15 minutes of fame? Rhetorical.

There are Divine Universal Laws. Righteousness and justice are on 1 side of them and wickedness and injustice are on the other. You, Teddy and his dad all fall on the side of the latter.

Was Sandusky's sucking children's dicks okay because he's from a race of perverts and, though in public your kind denounce it, that kind of behavior is actually your race's secret standard?

No, Teddy'sDoc, It's not whether it's right or wrong by somebody else's standard. In expressing that, you have truly proven the psychotic narcissism of your kind. It's whether or right it's right or wrong.

Teddy was a racial terrorist and a coward who was from a family of generational racial criminals who are still on the run from the law. You are the same.

Khael Dahmein
Teddy'sDoc said...
Well since you put it that way... let's take a look at history, shall we? All that needs to be said is that the white man does NOT hold the patent on racial aggression or injustice. The fact remains that black rulers of Egypt held slaves for thousands of years as did the Mayan Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Turkish Empire and every other major power the world has ever seen inclusive of ALL races, creeds, ethnicities, religious beliefs and backgrounds.(While it is true that Egypt was ruled by Pharoahs of Greek lineage the majority of Ancient Egypts rule was, for thousands of years, by native Egyptians --- Black men.) Besides, less than 12% of American Blacks and less than 8% of American Whites have ANY connection to this country's slavery history. I have never been connected with American slavery nor have I ever been personally accused or responsible for any hate crimes against any group/people/individual. How I could be lumped into any group espousing such acts or beliefs is not just unreasonable and unjust but also irresponsible on your part. It seems to me that the individuals that cry "racism" and "white devil" are the TRUEST embodiment of the definition of racism and ignorance. I pray for you that one day you will see the truth and that injustice exists in all forms, colors, nations, creeds and ethnicities. You need to turn all of your zeal and obvious intellect toward combating the TRUE enemy of the Nation and the World. Class segregation is the TRUE enemy and should be dealt with instead of dividing ourselves into splinter factions among the downtrodden along racial, religious, gender preference, and ethnicity lines. Hopefully I have provided some food for thought. Have a lovely day.
Khael Dahmein said...

Your kind's excuse that "well your own kind sold you into slavery reveals your desperate attempt to continue to justify not only your reprobate forefathers' racial treachery, but also their denial of justice.

Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau, a white man, is considered the father of racism. Slavery existed before the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. But, in the recorded history of the world, never had the abusive form of Chattel Slavery whites inflicted on blacks been recorded. IOW, nowhere (in recorded history) had slaves been stripped of their humanity. Because of the unique kind of savagery whites inflicted, historians began to refer to it (the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade) as The Peculiar Institution i.e. “peculiar from the forms of slavery previously known to man”.

In summary and additionally: 1. There was no system of Chattel Slavery in Africa. Slaves were not stripped of their humanity i.e. culture, religion, humanity; 2. What Africans did to Africans, which was by in no way comparable to what whites did to them; 3. Despite the current European historical revision, the percentage of Africans sold by Africans in insignificant when compared against the numbers who were stolen.

It appears that your kind's insistence to support your forefathers' racial criminality is inherent; and, that's an ugly thing to say because any violent and extremist treatment of psycho-racists as such would be justifiable ... "they're inherently evil and must be destroyed."

Most in the new generation grassroots communities recognize that 'until whites have had all the racial treacherousness they've done unto others heaved upon their heads - with due interest - they won't be able to appreciate the racial crimes they have failed to make and continue to deny restitution for.

IOW, all that you've done to the Native Americans, needs to be returned unto you, your elderly parents, your young children and your newborns so that you might be able to fully appreciate your crimes.

Certainly we'd apply the same application of karma above with the Africans, the African Americans, the Haitians, the Middle Easterners, the Aborigines and all the other humans your kind have terrorized, based on race, upon the earth.

You said: Class segregation is the TRUE enemy and should be dealt with instead of dividing ourselves into splinter factions among the downtrodden along racial, religious, gender preference, and ethnicity lines.

No, Teddy'sDoc, history and your kind's contemporary behavior demonstrate that you are the TRUE ENEMY that need to be dealt with.

The native americans welcomed you in and you fucked them. Africans welcomed you in and you fucked them. While these instances were centuries ago, in this generation, the Middle Easterners welcomed you in and you have fucked them. And now you think "we" should "fight together" towards "some cause" you (white people) identify as the "true enemy?" L(the fuck)OL!

"Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." If we take this wise old adage to heart, trusting and believing in the integrity & genuineness of yours is a mistake.

Khael Dahmein

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